Mike and Becky Patterson and The Bethesda Homes for Tribal Children– February 2021 Prayer Letter
Dr. Mike and Mrs. Becky Patterson – MABMI President Emeritus and International Representative
Bethesda Children’s Homes – Tlapa, Mexico
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Read this letter in PDF file Here
February 2021
Dear Ones:

May I make a very personal prayer request? Will you pray for me
that my faith will be increased? As one of our supporters, you are part
of the ongoing miracle God has performed in our lives and ministry.
We have found the farm for the homes and it is better than our
wildest dreams. We will be able to raise much of the produce needed
by the homes as well as chickens and eggs on the four-acre property.
On coveted river bottom land, it has a full irrigation system placed by
Mexico’s famed Chipingo Agricultural University 30+ years ago.
Not only does it have fertile fields that will grow much of what the
homes use, but it has a mature producing orchard with mangos,
coconuts, bananas, avocados, oranges, grapefruits and maracaibo.
Becky and I just returned from Mexico. While in Tlapa we viewed
properties and found the perfect farm. It has everything we had
dreamed of in abundance and is available for $75,000. Tomatoes can
produce year-round with a simple plastic greenhouse that we will
build as well as a chicken house for eggs and meat. We will fence the
property and build a director’s cottage and an open sided palapa for
the agriculture school classes and special meetings.
As of February 8, we have received $31,447. We have until April to
complete the $75,000 payment. They’ve asked until their corn
harvest is complete to begin title transfer to the homes for the
property. This gives us a few more weeks to complete the funding.
Consider a one-time gift. Please pray with us for a miracle.
In His Love
Mike Patterson
P.S. We are still facing great personal needs. Due to Covid two more
supporting churches have discontinued support. We ask your prayers