Harold and Lílian Gilmer : April 2021 Prayer Letter
Harold and Lilian Gilmer – South America Director, Church Planter and Bible Translation in São Paulo, Brazil.
Dear Brethren:
“Jesus said unto him, If thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth” (Mark 9:23).
“ . . . With men it is impossible, but not with God: for with God all things are possible” (Mark 10:27).

Church Planting
We start out this letter requesting prayer for two very special people in our Church: Graziele, our missionary and precious team member, who had a very rough pregnancy and lost her baby right before Easter, and for Barbara, the fourteen year-old daughter of Cyva, our first member, who was just diagnosed with multiple sclerosis (MS). Our hearts go out to these two very special families in our New Congregation. Please do remember them in your prayers.
Bible Ministry
I remember as a teenager hearing the Great Commission of our Lord and wondering in my heart how that was physically possible. But our Lord never gave a command to His people that He was not able to fulfill. Crossing Jordan into Canaan is a great example. The waters were overflowing the banks when our Lord gave the command and the priests bearing the Arc of the Covenant needed to get their feet wet. Then the waters opened up. What we must bear in mind are the words of our Lord Jesus Christ: “All things are possible to him that believeth.”
Our mission statement at the Trinitarian Bible Society of Brazil is: “A Faithful Bible for every person.” We realize that in our own efforts, this is quite impossible, but this mission has guided us in making key partnerships. We mentioned recently that one of our key partners, a Christian-owned printing press here in Brazil, was printing our Bible. They just reported that they printed and delivered a total 838.674 complete Portuguese Bibles with our Bible text in January and February of this year, alone! To God be the glory!
Yes, our mission is attainable! Not through our own efforts, but with God! Especially in our days, for through the Internet, the Faithful Bible (in Portuguese and in many other languages) already is available to every person with a smartphone. You see, there really is no excuse for the unbeliever.
Also, rejoice with us for the Lord has also already provided over 75% of our printing needs for this year. A very special Thank You to Campus Church, New Testament Baptist Church and to the Hammonds for the special offerings given towards our Bible printing needs. Thank you for praying and for sharing.
Yours fellow servants in Brazil,
Harold, Lílian, Raphael and Danielle