Harold and Lílian Gilmer : March/April 2022 Prayer Letter
Harold and Lilian Gilmer – South America Director, Church Planter and Bible Translation in São Paulo, Brazil.

Dear Brethren:
“O magnify the LORD with me, and let us exalt his name together” (Psalm 34:3).
Church Planting – God is at work
We made the offer for the Purchase –We asked that you please pray that the Lord would move the hearts of the owners of the house that we are meeting in, because they were not willing to sell it. After much prayer and waiting, last month they finally requested an offer, which our team promptly sent! They have not come back to us yet, but we are thrilled that they are willing to hear. Our greatest desire in purchasing this house is that it will be a great testimony to answered prayer in the neighborhood, for we have lost count of the number of people who told us they were praying for a Church to be started in that very house, seeing it used to be a Spiritism Center, where animal sacrifices were made. We will keep you informed as to how the negotiations develop, but in the meantime, please PRAY!

Rejoice with us for 8 decisions for Salvation – Praise God, two children, two young people and four adults made decisions for Christ this past month. Our team did special outreaches for the children and teens, and we had the privilege of preaching an Evangelistic Conference in the northeast of Brazil. Praise the Lord for the increase!
Urgent Replacement to the Tent – We replaced the
siding of our tent, but now the roof is needing urgent replacement. It ripped with the wind! We need $ 3,500 for a new roof. Please pray with us for this need.

Bible Ministry – Help us get The Word out
Our Mission at the Trinitarian Bible Society of Brazil is: A copy of the Faithful Bible for every person. For us, the lack of funds is no excuse for someone not have a Bible. Last year we were able to fulfill all the requests for Bibles that came in, but now we need your help to continue getting the The Word out. We need to say a very special Thank You to Pastor Caldwell and Cross and Crown Baptist Church in Tennessee for the special offering they gave for Bibles for Brazil. Through their offering I was able to give a gentleman a Bible last week after witnessing to him. This was the first Bible he had ever received!
Yours fellow servants in Brazil,
Harold, Lílian, Raphael and Danielle