Becky Patterson and the Bethesda Homes -July 2022 Newsletter
Mrs. Becky Patterson – Missionary to Mexico
Bethesda Children’s Homes – Tlapa, Mexico

Dear Pastor and friends,
Listening to the smallest children quote John 3:16 with “gusto;” accompanying them to their room to hear a bedtime Bible story; listening to their prayer requests; best of all, hearing them pray with all their hearts: these are just a few of the joys I have had the past month at the Bethesda Homes.
One night, while they ate their light dinner before bed, the smallest boy in the group scooted over on his bench and motioned for me to sit beside him. I can just imagine Jesus taking these little children on His lap and blessing them. He loved them first, but I love them, too!
Graduation was a great success, with twenty-seven graduating from elementary, junior high, and high school. Many parents came and heard the Gospel. There were several professions of faith, but I am not sure of the exact number. Every graduate received a Bible with their names imprinted on them. All the children participated in a choir special. Children who had
learned to play the guitar and the violin this year also blessed us with hymns.
The Lord has sent Manuel Cervantes, who lived in the Bethesda Homes for many years, to be our lead farmer. After the house is finished and dedicated in September, he and his young family will live there. If you would like to join us for the annual reunion and dedication of the house in September, please contact our son Bill for further information at
We thank the Lord for His multiple blessings and for you who pray and
support this ministry. God is abundantly good!
In Christ’s love,
Becky Patterson
P. S. Please continue praying for our banking situation in Mexico. Pray that a bank will be willing to allow us to open an account for the Bethesda Homes. Psalm 46:10,11