Harold and Lílian Gilmer : July/August 2022 Prayer Letter
Harold and Lilian Gilmer – South America Director, Church Planter and Bible Translation in São Paulo, Brazil.

Dear Brethren:
“O magnify the LORD with me, and let us exalt his name together” (Psalm 34:3).
Church Planting – “Little children come unto me” (Luke 18:16)

Praise the Lord, He is still allowing “little children” to come unto Him. This past month we held two Bible Clubs simultaneously, that culminated with Vacation Bible School. By God´s Amazing Grace, 46 children called on the Lord for salvation. Some were coming to Church for some time and finally made a decision. To God be the glory!
Bible Ministry –We are both Bible Distributors and Soul Winners

In our days it is hard to believe that there are still people without Bibles, but then we meet people like Mrs. Regiane, from the state of Mato Grosso, where her Church shared pages from one Bible. We were able to send a box full of Bibles to her Church. It is such a joy to be able to meet the needs for Scriptures! And then I met a young man who came to visit our office. In speaking to him he revealed that he believed he had always been saved, having never called up the Lord. By God´s grace, we were able to show him his need of calling on the Lord for salvation, and that he did. We distribute Bibles AND win souls!
Exhaustive Concordance Project
Rejoice with us that the Old Testament of the Exhaustive Concordance is now complete! We are proceeding by faith for the conclusion of the New
Testament. This project is demanding more time than initially planned, and at this point we need an additional $ 5,000. Please pray with us for this
immensurable need in the Portuguese language.

Special Conference – Word of Thanks
I had the privilege of interpreting for Dr. Jody Wolf at a special Conference here in Brazil, whose theme was In Defense of the Faith. A very special Thank You to Pensacola Christian College and Heritage Baptist Church for allowing him to come to Brazil. He was a tremendous blessing to us!
Yours fellow servants in Brazil,
Harold, Lílian, Raphael and Danielle
Sending Church: Worth Baptist Church | Pr. Tyler Gillit | 4900 Campus Drive | Fort Worth, TX 76119 | 817.534.0787 | www.worthbc.org