Becky Patterson and the Bethesda Homes -November 2022 Newsletter
Mrs. Becky Patterson – Missionary to Mexico
Bethesda Children’s Homes – Tlapa, Mexico
Dear Pastor and friends,

October in Tlapa de Commonfort, Guerrero, Mexico is very different than October in the US! There are loud booming fireworks exploding day and night, so that you might think we are at war! You see, almost the whole month is used to celebrate the patron “saint” or main idol in the Catholic Church. Each of Tlapa’s businesses has a specific day for hosting a procession through the streets in the idol’s honor, culminating on October 23. On that day, almost all streets are blocked and artistically decorated with colored sawdust for the final procession of their idol.
The booming fireworks have continued and will continue until November 2. October 31-November 2 is the celebration of the Day of the Dead. Altars are set up in homes with food, pictures, drinks and other things for the spirits of their beloved, departed, family members to enjoy. All of these celebrations are pagan and even demonic.
In spite of all the evil influences during October, the Spirit of God has been at work at eh Bethesda Children’s Home in Tlapa. I personally have prayed with twenty seven children the past month to receive Christ as their savior. One girl was saved in a reading comprehension class after reading and discussing Genesis 3. One boy came timidly looking for me after Bible class telling me he needed to pray. He had recently recuperated form a bad case of dengue fever. I asked him if he needed to receive the Lord. He said yes. All the others have been saved a few at a time after the Bible classes.
Oh, what a joy this has brought to my soul! There is nothing like it! I can only imagine the joy in Heaven! Do you Suppose my husband knows? I hope so!
Fifty-seven teenagers from the Bethesda Homes will be attending a youth conference October 31-November 2 at the church in Tlapa. This will have passed by the time you receive this letter, but please pray God can ocntinue to speak to their hears. It would be wonderful if God called many of them to serve Him!
Thank you for your continued prayers and support. It is a joy to serve the Lord! I know of no greater joy!
Because He lives,
Becky Patterson