Becky Patterson and the Bethesda Homes -May 2023 Newsletter
Mrs. Becky Patterson – Missionary to Mexico
Bethesda Children’s Homes – Tlapa, Mexico
Dear Pastor and Friends,

As the school year at Bethesda comes to an end, and with graduation on June 14, we praise the Lord for His working in our midst. Children have come to know the Lord. Children that have been with us for years are growing in the faith. Some have expressed a desire to serve the Lord with their lives. Our prayer is that as they go back to their villages for a few weeks, they can be faithful witnesses to their families.
While the children are gone, we have some major repairs to be done at the boys’ home and Christian school. The drainage system has to be replaced and bathrooms remodeled. This is a major undertaking. Pray everything can be properly repaired and the need completely met. Until the work is started and we know what all is involved, we do not know the total cost.
Over the summer, also, we hope to get one of the rooms at the boys’ home adapted for a library, something the children at Bethesda have never had. When little Adilene told me how her lifelong dream was to own a book of her own, it made me realize how precious books are to them. When your main concern is about how to provide for your next meal, as is the case in most of the children’s homes, books are definitely a luxury. Also, most of their parents do not even know how to read. Because of the generosity of some dear friends of this ministry, I have collected about 150 Spanish books, and I plan to add more.
Another project at the Homes is to air condition all the staff’s bedrooms. Tlapa is hot most of the year, and this is a need we have recently recognized. We have also had to re-wire the facility so as not to overload the electrical system. The Lord has provided $6,000 from a recent donor. We are not sure how much it will cost to finish the project.
Thank you for helping us pray about these projects. Our Lord is faithful and He loves this ministry more than we do. Thank you for being our prayer partners and “fellowhelpers to the truth.” III John verse 8. May the Lord richly bless you.
In His care,
Becky Patterson
Psalm 46:10,11