Becky Patterson and the Bethesda Homes – April 2024 Newsletter
Mrs. Becky Patterson – Missionary to Mexico
Bethesda Children’s Homes – Tlapa, Mexico

Frequently I am asked about the farm my husband Mike Patterson purchased for the children’s home shortly before his passing. God miraculously provided the funds for the farm in a very short period of time through your generosity. Thank you, dear friends.
In September of 2021, when the farm was dedicated, a group of some of you, together with members of the Mount Abarim Baptist Church in Cuernavaca, planted a number of blackberry, blueberry, and raspberry bushes around the farm’s perimeter. The only bushes that survived were the blackberry bushes. This year the vines are loaded with the fruit. I hope to introduce blackberry cobbler to the children before long when more of the fruit ripens.
Hermano Manuel, the farm caretaker, is constantly experimenting with different plants to see what grows best. Manuel grew up in our children’s home and has a degree in engineering. He has been successful in growing several varieties of beans, corn, squash, cilantro, jicama, radishes, and several other vegetables.
There are bananas available, also, every month. This year the mango trees have an abundance of fruit hanging from their branches. I am especially looking forward to them ripening. I love mangoes! The tamarind trees have fruit ready to be harvested. Our boys from the children’s home will help with that task.
God’s creation is amazing. He is a wonderful God who gives us so many things to enjoy. May we never take it for granted. He deserves all our praise! Thank you for your part, also, in helping to make these blessings available to our children at Bethesda. May the Lord reward you!
In Christ’s love,
Becky Patterson
Psalm 46:10,11