Becky Patterson and the Bethesda Homes – June/July 2024 Newsletter
Mrs. Becky Patterson – Missionary to Mexico
Bethesda Children’s Homes – Tlapa, Mexico

Thirty of our dear children have just graduated from elementary school, junior high school, and high school. As they left the children’s home on June 12, I wondered when I will see them again. Most will return to continue their education. Some will move on to other places. One high school graduate wants to go to a Bible institute. My prayer is that God’s Word will penetrate their souls so that they will always make wise decisions. May Christ be glorified through their lives.
The last week of May I spoke at a ladies’ conference in Tlapa. The theme was ” Keep Thy Heart ” from Proverbs 4 :23. Of the four devotionals I gave, the one on marriage seemed to speak to hearts the most. May the Lord continue to work in all our hearts for His honor and glory. May our lives bring joy to His heart!
Tlapa has had an unusually hot spring. We started meeting during the morning, under the trees, for daily chapel. On one of these days, Israel Gomez spoke. He is a Mexican missionary starting a mission in the mountain region of Alcozauca. We have had numerous children come to the Homes from this area. Since I have prayed so much God would allow a church to be started there, I could not help weeping for joy. Please pray, for this is an area that has been hostile to the Gospel.
Pray also for our staff. Several of them are leaving us for one reason or another. We will need to replace them. This has also caused an added heavy financial burden. The Lord knows all about it. IF HE SHOULD TOUCH YOUR HEART concerning giving a special offering, we could definitely use it. Please make this a matter of prayer. Thank you. We are about $50,000 short on these expenses.
July 10 to 12 we will be having a staff retreat. These retreats are always times of spiritual blessing and sweet fellowship. Please pray God will do whatever is necessary in our hearts to prepare us for a new year of reaching boys and girls for Eternity and for living a Christ honoring life on Earth.
Because He first loved us,
Becky Patterson
Psalm 46 :10,11