Bethesda Children’s Homes: May 2013 Prayer Letter


Dear Ones:


We were with the Tlapa Children in April and will return for July-August.   I am convinced that this is the best investment any of us will ever make.  We are using the new buildings.  Praise The Lord!


Schoolteacher Strikes Finally Ended

The strikes that began in the government schools in January finally ended this week.  It has become clear that we must start our own Christian School in the fall.  All of our staff is qualified to teach and we will add other teachers.  New laws are making this need a possibility.  We have already received the first $5,000 gift toward this need.  Start-up costs will be about $200 per child and we will start the year with about 140 children.


The Training Center in Tlapa Was Dedicated With Nine Saved!

It was such a joy to teach the children from Matthew 6:33 for two days.  We were able to purchase some of the furnishings personally, but still lack about $3,000 to complete the project.


Visit Tlapa August 15-22, 2013

We will be leading a select group of volunteers to visit the homes for the reunion and school year beginning.  You would need to fly into Acapulco on August 15.  The ground package including hotels, food, and transportation is $500 per person.  Let us know if you would like to reserve your place.


Pray for Mexico

God is blessing and protecting the ministry on every front, but many in Mexico so desperately needs your prayers.  While the news on every hand is discouraging, the Lord is bringing a great harvest.  Bible preaching churches are growing in the very corners of Mexico.  I preach to packed out and responsive crowds wherever I go.  Our time may well be limited and the Lord’s coming is at hand, but God is bringing a great harvest.  Pray that we will be faithful in our task.


In His love,
Mike Patterson
Childrens Home


PS:  The Bethesda staff and children pray for all of our supporters every day.  God has used you mightily.  Thank you for caring.

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