The Bill Patterson Family

March 2014 Prayer Letter

Bill Patterson: March 2014 Prayer Letter


Dear Praying Friends:

Have you considered the great privilege afforded to Christians, that the Lord would lead His children in every step of their lives? Recent events have humbled us as we remember that God would take notice of the events that He allows in our lives. How precious it is to walk in the “Steps of the Savior”!

Mongolian Translation News:  During our trip last month to Mongolia, we rejoiced as we finished all our work on the Epistle to the Ephesians. Also, by God’s grace, Oyumaa’s health is slowly starting to recover. At the time of this writing, she is now in Tennessee, having just arrived from Mongolia. In just a few days, we will restart our translation work … in the hills of Southern Tennessee.

Faith Baptist Church:  What a blessing it was to see our friends at Faith Baptist Church of Ulaanbaatar! While we were there, the Lord added a new family of five from Australia to the church, in addition to the arrival of the Kruchkow family.


Special Need:  Please continue to pray with us for a vehicle to use for traveling to churches with our family. During our recent move to Tennessee, my parents helped take four suitcases to us, since they were traveling to Tennessee for my youngest sister’s wedding. We know that God has a perfect plan, and we do not want to get ahead of His plan for our lives.

Your servant in the Lord,
Bill Patterson

Psalm 27:13-14

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