Bethesda Children’s Homes: February 2014 Prayer Letter
Dear Ones:
We just completed our 48th Conference on World Evangelism in Texas. I have turned over the day to day responsibilities as President and General Director to Dr. Bill Patterson and Rev. Steve Volante. Pray for them as they accept this crushing but blessed load I have carried for the last eighteen years.
I have no plans for retirement and this move will allow me to concentrate on directing the Tlapa Homes. It will also allow me to continue and even expand my conference ministry. I have been given the moniker of President Emeritus and International Representative. As long as I live I will represent the mission and be a phone call away to help these new men. We plan to be in Mexico by April.

The children are beautiful in His eyes and ours
It was amazing to pray for the updated missionary prayer list of the mission. I was humbled to lift up over 170 families in 35 countries on five continents. Only God could have done that and I praise Him.

Chapel in progress
Each of the children prays daily for their sponsor. Though they may never be able to meet you here on earth they will rejoice with you in Heaven.

Tens of thousands have been reached but a multitude waits in darkness
We thank God for your faithfulness and willingness to sacrifice. Your eternal reward will be abundant. Please know that we love you.
In His love,
Mike Patterson
Childrens Home
P.S. I need to share a prayer burden with you. All of the unsupported children were promised sponsors but, virtually none of the other needs were met. We spend $1000 per month for curriculum materials, uniforms costing $50 each are needed for the 140 children, a $3000 furnishing need was presented for the homes, and finally we lack $7000 to complete the funds needed to rebuild the flood ravaged Tepeyac church. Pray with us for these needs. God is our source but He uses people like you. The conference is the only major fund raising event for the year and these needs are critical.

Roughly 14,000 nourishing meals are served each month. Most of the children are malnourished when they come to the homes