Bethesda Children’s Homes: July 2014 Prayer Letter
Dear Ones.

Our last goodby before Heaven
Mom, Mrs. Opal Patterson, age ninety, was the early Spiritual light in my life. She kept us in church, taught us to pray and to love His Word. Shortly before her death she slipped her arms around my neck and kissed me saying “I love you.” She then said, “You stay here, I’m gone.” She lifted her arms in praise as we sang “My Jesus I love thee.” She slipped into a coma and stepped into Heaven on July 6.
We buried her on July 11, exactly 26 years after my father’s graduation to Glory. I sorely miss them both.

Special services at the homes
We will return to Mexico after paying her final bills and settling her simple estate.
Our plans are in His Hands. As her only living son duty demanded that I be at her side during her last days. As her executor I have duties that will require the sale of our home place and other legal matters. We have already begun the process of dividing her personal effects and preparing her home for sale.

Some students and staff or the Christian SchoolOur plan is to move to Tlapa in August
Our plan is to move to Tlapa in August
In February we entered a new phase of our ministry.
I became President Emeritus of the mission and will be dedicating much of our time to the Homes. I will also travel as an ambassador for the children and the overall work of Mount Abarim Baptist Mission International.
In His love,
Mike Patterson
Childrens Home
P.S. For each who called with special words of comfort and some who sent memorial gifts…Thank you and God bless you. Your prayers have been our stay in this valley.