Bethesda Children’s Homes: November 2014 Prayer Letter
Dear Ones:

Kitchen magic 3,500 meals each week!
We were in Tlapa for the month of September. It was so refreshing to be with the children and help guide these little ones in their Christian lives. Staff training was a special joy as well and I was able to begin using my new office with cabinets built in our own wood-working shop. The children are winning souls every week.

The children are beautiful in His eyes and ours.
Each year our school is evaluated by both the Mexican school system as well as A.C.E. We received outstanding reviews from both. Our children are excelling in every area. The Christian school almost doubled this year.
The rains in Tepeyac have sidelined the new church construction since August. The builders promised me that it will be finished by January. Thanks to the sacrifices of several dear friends, I am happy to report that it is already fully funded.

Teaching the Word of God to tomorrow’s leaders.
Mexican churches continue to grow in spite of the kidnappings, killings and robbery. The work in Chilpancingo has been in the middle of riots and revolution. It is led by my nephew, Nathan Patterson, and they need your prayers.
Each day the children pray for you. They understand it is through your generosity that they have an opportunity to have their lives transformed. These are young champions in every way.

Over half of the children play instruments.
Faithful friends like you have made this ministry possible since 1969; your reward will be eternal. Thank you for helping make the future of this ministry as bright as the promises of God!
In His love,
Mike Patterson
PS: In December we need extra help. Mexican law requires double salaries for all our staff and we have many end of year needs. All 150 of our 15 year-old mattresses need to be replaced ($8,000 needed).