Mike Patterson: February 2015 Prayer Letter
Dear Ones:
Thank you for your prayers. As a missionary family, we could have no better friends. We love you.

Lillie Kate Anderson January 29, 2015.
Our 41st year as missionaries started with both blessings and trials. On January 29th at 12:04 a.m., our tenth grandchild was born. While Allison was in labor in Memphis, I was taken to the hospital in Texas with fever, chills, cellulitis and atrial fibrillation…I also had another heart attack. Your prayer is sustaining us.
On February 23, following a heart cath to assure that I have no life threatening blockages, I am scheduled to have a heart ablation. Entering the left ventricle of my heart, they will burn the nerves determined to be misfiring. If successful, they hope it will reduce or eliminate my atrial fibrillation. I accept the risks since it could speed our return to Mexico. Please pray.

For forty five years we have been sharing the simple Gospel and God honors His word.
While in the hospital, I shared Christ with all of my care givers. Some were already saved. I had the joy of leading a nurse to Christ who wept her way to the Savior. With Steve Volante’s help, I presented her with a hot pink KJV Bible. Her first! I was shocked when the well-educated young lady read the text “John 3:16” on my hand written dedication and said she would look it up at home. She had no idea what the verse said…How many others are just like her?
The Lord chose to breathe on our 49th Annual International Conference on World Evangelism in Fort Worth. Every speaker was anointed. Many yielded their lives to our Lord’s will. I was able to preach for the first time since my November heart attack.
God has allowed our ministry to expand all over the world. We could have never done it without folks like you who sacrifice to send us.
In His love,
Mike Patterson
PS: My long overdue book, MY PEOPLE, has now been published. It is now available through http://www.xulonpress.com/bookstore/bookdetail.php?PB_ISBN=9781498425209.
The Kindle and paperback editions are already listed through Amazon.com. We will soon have signed first edition copies available through our Arlington offices. (If you need multiple copies for your bookstores or church promotions, they will be discounted in case quantities. Call me for more information on this one at (817) 472 4240.)