Mike and Becky Patterson

April 2015 Prayer Letter

Bethesda Children’s Homes: April 2015 Prayer Letter

Dear Ones:

Boys about to enter their afternoon Bible classes.

Boys about to enter their afternoon Bible classes.

As I write, most of the children have returned to their villages for their Easter week break. Pray with me that they will be faithful witnesses and that God will bless their efforts. Those who are orphans remain in Tlapa and our staff tries to make their week very special with treats and outings. God has special love for orphans too.

Dropping oil prices have all but wrecked the state owned oil company Pemex. The negative effect on the economy has already sparked double digit inflation. Businesses continue to collapse in many places. This directly affects the finances of the homes.

Miguel and Esther-directors of Girls’ Home

Miguel and Esther-directors of Girls’ Home

I included a photo of Miguel and Esther, directors of the girls’ home. They are wonderful selfless people and are doing a wonderful job. They just had their second child born while serving with us in Tlapa.

Construction on the church building in Tepeyac is again underway. Pray that we can complete this much needed project before the tropical rains begin. The financial need has been met.

They are all so beautiful inside and out.

They are all so beautiful inside and out.

The mattresses should be delivered any day now. Funds are promised from friends in Tennessee to complete the purchase and pay for the shipping which we had not anticipated. A special gift from the Coleman Foundation has put the homes back in the black and has allowed us to purchase the needed school materials.

We thank God for your faithfulness and willingness to sacrifice for these very special children. We also thank you for your prayers. The children pray daily for their sponsors.

In His love,
Mike Patterson

MY PEOPLE is now available through Amazon, Barnes and Noble and Xulon Press and over 700 Christian Bookstores.

MY PEOPLE is now available through Amazon, Barnes and Noble and Xulon Press and over 700 Christian Bookstores.

PS: I had a heart ablation surgery and on March 23, (four stents were placed to repair a 100% blockage). An ablation on the other atrium is being scheduled and my heart roars to 140+ beats per minute, off and on, all day and night. Other blockages will have to be dealt with later. I need a touch from His hand and ask your prayers.

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