Mike Patterson: April 2015 Prayer Letter
Dear Ones:
A year ago today, I was having a heart attack. What followed has been a blessed, though difficult, year. In July, my precious ninety year-old praying mother was graduated to Heaven. Two more heart attacks, five stents and one heart ablation surgery followed. Yesterday, they told me I am facing at least one more heart ablation surgery, and that I have multiple blockages that will require future attention. I mention all of this to request prayer. Whatever time I have left I want to give with abandon in service to my risen Savior.
I have no idea what the future holds, but I do know our God is in control. In so many ways I feel our greatest ministry is yet ahead. The children’s homes in Tlapa are flourishing and the new church facility in Tepeyac is back under construction. We hope to have it finished before the rains begin in May or early June.
Forty-six years ago I shared my first Easter service with Becky. We were in love and were married the following December 27. Ours was a match made in Heaven. She remains my best friend, lover, mother of our five precious children and grandmother par excellence. She is the most faithful help meet our God could have possibly provided. She is altogether lovely.
Fifty-two years ago this month I came under deep conviction and about sixty days later I was gloriously saved. Though the Lord didn’t get much when He saved me, He showered me with the greatest gift I will ever receive. My sins, past…present…and future, were all cleansed by His precious blood so freely given on the cross. I was born again. My name was placed in His FOREVER MY ADOPTED SON book and my Christian life took its first infant steps.
God has been good to me. He has blessed my pulpit ministry for nearly fifty years. I am humbled to think of the joy He has given to preach all over the world. Without people like you, we could never have had our missionary ministry that continues today. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Mike Patterson