Mike Patterson: May 2015 Prayer Letter

Director’s wife and secretaries of the Mt. Abarim Baptist Mission Offices in Cuernavaca.
Dear Ones:
Second heart ablation surgery, May 7, was a success.
Your prayers are so important to us. A second heart ablation has proved to be a success. My runaway heart rate has finally been tamed and I am gaining strength daily. I will begin 12 weeks of cardiac rehab before you read this letter. I am preaching on weekends and can travel by air in the USA. I’m available for months and we hope to be in Mexico by mid-August.
Our work continues, even in this valley of testing.

We have a very special love for the Tlapa kids.
I am in daily contact with the leaders of our homes and Mexican offices. They love the Lord and us. I also receive daily emails and phone calls from all over the world from missionaries. Even in weakness I have been in my office for at least a part of six days of every week, unless I was hospitalized. I will work until He calls. I spent several hours with two young missionaries yesterday in our home.
Some have asked if we have needs.
For two of my hospital trips we used “out of network” providers, but because of a small inheritance we have been able to dip into savings and pay these bills so far. Our part of the rehab costs will be about another $1,600. Thank you all for your faithful prayers. Pray that rehab will be as successful as this last surgery has been.
Four heart attacks, five stents and two heart ablation surgeries!
All within the last twelve months…God has been so gracious in extending my life and I so want to honor Him with all of my days. Will you pray for me that along with restored health I can have a fresh anointing of His blessed Holy Spirit?
In His love,
Mike Patterson
PS: I mention this as a prayer request only…Two of our heaviest supporters have had to either discontinue or drastically reduce our monthly support. This $1,200 monthly loss has been coupled with heavy medical expenses for me and dental expenses of about $6,000 for Becky. We had “rainy day savings” for this sort of thing, but we had not anticipated a hurricane. I ask only for your prayers.