Bethesda Children’s Homes: May 2015 Prayer Letter

It should be under roof when you read this letter.
Dear Ones:
So many good reports are coming from Tlapa that I hardly know how to start. God has blessed in answer to your prayers and sacrifices and we are humbly grateful.
The rains will not begin for another month so much progress has been made on the construction of the church in Tepeyac. In fact, it should be under roof before you read these words. This long and complicated process is coming to a close within budget. Becky and I hope to be there for the dedication.
Did you know that one of our graduates and her husband Fidel Silva has served in Bolivia for fifteen years? When Berta came to the homes she could not even speak Spanish. Right now, we are training a future generation of young champions that will serve worldwide.
Thank you for your prayers. I am much improved following my second heart ablation surgery May 7. I will begin cardiac rehab in a few days. After four heart attacks in less than a year this is exciting news to share. God has been so good to us.

One of the Saturday soul winning groups. The kids lead over 1500 to Christ last year.
Each night our staff meets separately with assigned groups of the children. For about a half an hour they pray with these smaller groups of children and listen to their heart rending prayer requests. So many answers to prayer have come in these intimate sessions. One boy has wept and begged prayer for a church to be started in his pueblo night after night. Marco told me it looks like that same young man will be the answer to his own prayer request. Praise the Lord!
In His love,
Mike Patterson
P.S. The 1978 Ford Pickup Truck has again broken down. This truck is used for the girl’s home. It will take about $3500 for an engine-transmission rebuild. The price of used vehicles has gone up dramatically since the Mexican government has prohibited any future importation. It is now time to begin ordering school material for next fall. Each of the students’ needs a sponsor for this $125 cost. In addition we need $40 monthly for each of the kids for their teacher’s salaries.