Harold Gilmer: November 2015 Prayer Letter
Dear Brethren,
Team Church Planting
Our hearts are moving toward the start of the Church in Guacuri (in the suburbs of São Paulo). Missionary Sean Lunday is assuming the leadership of this team, for which we are very thankful. He did an excellent job in leading us in the start of New Life Baptist. He has already lined up several groups to come next year and help canvas the area and is working with a group to come build the auditorium. We need to get all the documentation in place, have the plant approved, and lay the foundation. We need special prayer for the missionary team that will be working on the start of this Church. Please pray that the Lord will lead and guide us, for His name´s sake (Psalm 31.3).

Satellite view of São Paulo, Brazil, with site of property donated for the Guacuri Church

Missionary Juan Vallejo receiving Gospel tracts
for his Church, São Paulo Baptist ChurchBible Ministry
Bible Ministry
While the new dollar rate is wonderful for certain aspects of ministry, it is greatly affecting our Bible printing ministry. We need your help with our Scripture distribution fund. This fund supplies Scriptures to Churches, Missionaries, and individuals, who cannot afford Scriptures. (Care is taken that only sound doctrinal Churches and Missionaries received Scriptures for evangelism purposes.) Please help us get The Word out. The need is great!
Your servants in Brazil,
Harold, Lílian, Raphael and Danielle