Rom Ribeiro: November 2015 Prayer Letter
Dear Pastor and Brethren:
“Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity!”(Ps. 133.1)
Rom preached at the mother church in Goiânia, and we had a blessed time of fellowship at a picnic with our churches in that city. This time of fellowship was especially beneficial in helping new comers to become better acquainted with our church people. Meanwhile, Carl Johnson stayed in Ribeirão Preto,taking care of our small congregation. The Lord is blessing. Just yesterday we saw three people coming to the Lord in this new church.

Rom going for a ride in a wheelbarrow
We are getting very close to acquiring a piece of land for the new church. It is a small lot (5942 sq. ft.), but large enough for an auditorium for 150 people. If the Lord sends enough funds, we plan to start laying the foundation for the auditorium soon after signing the deeds of this lot. In one week,we received a total of $15,000 from two churches. Praise the Lord!
This is a good time to start constructing, considering the rise of the dollar rate in Brazil in the last few months. However, though the dollar rate is high, inflation is also rising. So, if the Lord leads you to help us with this project, please let us know as soon as possible. May the Lord supply of all your need, and reward you for your love and help towards Missions.
Rom preached at a three-day Missions Conference at Igreja Batista Esperança in the city of São Paulo. Brazilian missionaries who are supported by this church came from all corners of the country. This month, the church members are renewing their Faith Promise. They have nearly reached their goal, so, with the Lord’s help, they plan to take on ten new missionary projects for support.
In His Perfect Love,
Rom, Rachel, Rochelle & Roxanne Ribeiro