Tlapa Homes: June 2016 Prayer Letter
Dear Ones:

Preaching again! PTL!
My recent heart ablation was a success. My heartbeat remains normal. I am gaining in strength and we plan to be in Tlapa by August. We can hardly wait, but I must first get doctor’s approval.

The Word of God is the core of all we do.
The Bethesda Homes continue with so many blessings. Our award winning school has again been recognized my Mexican authorities. This is significant since they often look for reasons to criticize Christian education. The children are excelling in every area. We still need about 60 more sponsors for the Christian School budget. We call these $25 per month sponsors the Bethesda Centurion Club.
At the same time, they are becoming fervent soul winners. The Tlapa church is bursting at the seams. A meeting begins in a few days where over 1,000 will come. I don’t know where they will put them.
Summer is always difficult for us financially. Ironically, the homes are in better shape than normal. But, Becky and I have had heavy expenses and almost weekly shortfalls for some time. Our accounts have dipped dramatically. I do covet your prayers. We seldom ask for ourselves, but my meds alone are over $1,000 each month out of pocket and co-pays for multiple hospital stays are still coming.
I never want to be a burden, but we do need prayer. What I have written pales to insignificance when we see a world without Christ.
In His love,
Mike Patterson
PS: We will be driving to Memphis where Becky will help with the birth of our eleventh grandchild. Allison and Jeremy are expecting another girl. Pray for a safe delivery and health for both mother and child. We are so blessed. We could not have a ministry without you.