Bill Patterson: December 2018 Prayer Letter
December 2018 Report
Race cars do not slow down as they finish a lap during a race; neither does time slow down to allow more enjoyment of the Christmas season! This will be the first time in fifteen years that we will spend Christmas with my wife’s family in Washington state. Although Marcy’s mother passed away many years ago, we are so grateful to the Lord that we still have Marcy’s Dad. Please pray that we will have a great time as a family.

Annual Meeting: The International Conference for World Evangelism is scheduled to begin one month from today. Missionaries to Mexico, Ecuador, Spain, Ghana, and Israel are planning to come. We will hear from preachers that God is using in a wonderful way to reach their people. Our theme for the year comes from Matthew 9:38, “Pray ye therefore.” We are convinced that one of the greatest needs in reaching the world is to call out to God in prayer.
Missionary Family: Earlier this year, I asked a small group of friends to pray with me that God would allow Mount Abarim to have the privilege of serving more missionary families. In the last few months, we have been contacted by many of God’s servants that are seeking the help of a missionary agency. Already this year, the Lord has added seven families to Mount Abarim. Currently, we are waiting on the paperwork of two others who are in the process of joining. Just yesterday, I spent several hours with a young missionary, teaching him how to better communicate with his supporting churches. What a joy to see these young people be greatly used by God!
Translation Update: During this last year, I have had the privilege of speaking at six Bible colleges on the subject of Bible translation. There is a growing awareness of the need to translate the Scriptures into over 6,500 languages that still do not have God’s complete Word. In addition, working with translation teams in multiple countries on a weekly basis has been a constant source of joy and encouragement.
Please keep our family in your prayers! May God bless you with a very Merry Christmas!!