Josefina McCoy: July 2019 Prayer Letter
Josefina McCoy – Missionaries to the Indigenous Tribes of Mexico
Dear Pastors, Churches, and Brethren in Christ,
By God’s grace, we are alive and able to contemplate and marvel at the great miracles that God allows us to see by His grace. Thank you for being faithful to God through your prayers and support for us, giving so that those who speak Tlapanec, Mixtec, Nahuatl, and Amuzgo may receive God’s grace for salvation.
On June 15, the building in Agua Tomagua was dedicated to the Lord for the glory of God. More than 80 first-time visitors were present. God’s powerful hand helped and supplied every need.
A recent blessing is that my oldest son, Abdiel, was able to attend the Missionary-In-Training program organized by Mount Abarim. For two weeks, he learned about missionary life. Praise the Lord, Abdiel had surrendered his life years ago to serve God in full-time service. God has been faithful, and Abdiel has served our church in the music department. My prayer had always been that God would clearly show Abdiel how and where he should serve the Lord.
During MIT, God confirmed to Abdiel that he should finish preparing himself to serve the Lord and return to the mountains to help in the ministry there. What a blessing and joy it was to my heart that God would choose to use my son! Abdiel has understood that it is an honor and a responsibility for every believer to obey God’s purposes for his life. Please pray for my son and my other sons that God would continue working in their hearts and, in His time, show them exactly where He wants them to serve Him.

Please pray for all the needs of the pastors in the mountain villages of Guerrero. The picture to the right shows just a little of what God did in the dedicatory service of the church in Agua Tomagua. Thank you for your prayers and financial support for us as we serve the servants of God in Mexico.
Your servants in Christ,
Josefina, Abdiel, David, and Josiah McCoy