Harold Gilmer: Annual Report 2019
A Bible Distributed Every 24 Seconds
By God’s amazing grace, the total number of complete Portuguese Bibles distributed through our own warehouse and through our special partnerships in 2019 was 1,344,811 Bibles. That means that every 24 seconds a complete Portuguese Bible, with the faithful text, was distributed! To God be the glory!

Sold! Now It’s Buying Time
Praise the Lord, the sale of the properties we received went through. Now we need the remainder of the funds to purchase the right property for our congregation.
We just learned that the owner of the house we are renting does not want to sell the house. But we know in Whose hands the “heart of the king” is, and we also know Who owns the “cattle on a thousand hills.” We now have roughly half of what we need. God is good!

No Greater Joy
We echo with the Apostle John: “I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth” (3 John 4).
What a joy to baptize our oldest son, Rapha, this past year. Thank you for remembering our family in your prayers.

Reaching (way) Out
The oficial language of East Timor is Portuguese, but the heart language is Tétum, and missionary Lorinaldo (from Brazil to East Timor) asked that we please help translate the Bible to Tétum. Trinitarian Bible Society has agreed to oversee this translation, but our help is necessary in the initial stages, which will require our going to East Timor to meet personally with the Bible translators. We need ten thousand dollars for this initial stage, which includes travel expenses and computers for the Bible translators. Please consider this opportunity.

Your fellow servants in Brazil,
Harold, Lílian, Raphael and Danielle