Mike and Becky Patterson and The Bethesda Homes – October 2020 Prayer Letter
Dr. Mike and Mrs. Becky Patterson – MABMI President Emeritus and International Representative
Bethesda Children’s Homes – Tlapa, Mexico
October 2020
Dear Ones:

Many of the children are back in the homes and have settled in to the routine of the Christian School and their Bible curriculum studies. Some of the villages are still under quarantine. When cleared we believe most of the other children will return. We are at about 70 %. We also had the joyful marriage of a couple who were faithful workers in the homes!

Mexican Independence Day was celebrated in the homes with a little extra of everything. So much has been cancelled over the last six months. God graciously met the tremendous out of budget needs for the start up for this year. We praise him for this supply.
Several fundamental changes with sanitation chambers, water purification systems and constant vigil have produced vibrant health for everyone so far. We praise God for his hand of protection.

The project of placing new closets in all of the dorm rooms is still underway. This has taken a bit longer than anticipated since the staff is doing the work. Local officials inspect us frequently but all the reports have been positive. Pray that this will continue.

Temple Baptist Church, Stamford, TX Advisory Committee Members
On October 12, I preached the funeral of Mrs. Vicki Morton and several received Christ as Savior. Covid sent this virtuous woman and prayer warrior to Heaven. Pray for Rev. Morton, the family and Temple Baptist Church of Stamford, TX as they continue with tears.
In His Love,
Mike Patterson
P.S. My health continues to improve. I’m walking daily and traveling speaking on behalf of the homes. Pray for our supporting churches. Many have experienced severe shortfalls. This effects their capacity to invest in our missions. We fully understand but do ask for your prayers as we adjust to these shortfalls.