Manuel and Reina Diaz : January 2021 Prayer Letter
Manuel and Reina Diaz – Church Planter in Bata, Equatorial Guinea

“For if I do this thing willingly, I have a reward: but if against my will, a dispensation of the gospel is committed unto me.”
1Corinthians 9:17
Glory to our God who has allowed us to start this new year and although the situation around the world seems to be going from bad to worse, our trust is in the Lord, we trust his word. He is in control and whatever happens, it will be his perfect will.

We continue with the church ministries, as long as the authorities allow us to, although there are many restrictions, we take advantages of every moment to teach, preach and win souls.
God has been so good to us, providing every need for his work, using each and everyone of you who faithfully support the work in this place.

More than ever, we’re focused on soul winning, the brethren with joy go out to preach the Gospel. The people listen though most of the time it is difficult for them to leave their religiosity for the fear of being rejected by their relatives. However, the Lord is adding to the church those who with sincerity of heart and obedience to his word acknowledge their need for spiritual growth.

The Sunday school lessons for adults, youth and children continue and with the Lord’s favor many of them will be the future proclaimers of the Gospel that God will use to extend his word in this place.
At the Mount Abarim Educational Center, we continue teaching the children to trust God and depend on Him specially for the salvation of their soul, many of them have already received Christ as their savior.

We ask for your prayers for the teachings of this month as they’re focused on missions, at the end we will be raising our Faith Promise; to continue supporting missionaries.

Please continue praying for us, we are in the process of
obtaining our residences for another year, as well as the renewal of the church’s permit that expires in February, all these paperwork generate many expenses, but we trust in our God’s provision, his faithfulness has always been manifested every time we have these needs.
We thank Pastor Tim Urling for being a blessing by sending us a love offering for the purchase of tires and meeting this need. God bless you.

We thank each one of you who give so that the Gospel spreads in this part of the world, let’s continue forward trusting the Lord, knowing that whatever we do in his work is not in vain.
Greetings and until next time.