Manuel and Reina Diaz : April 2021 Prayer Letter
Manuel and Reina Diaz – Church Planter in Equatorial Guinea, Africa

“By him therefore let us offer the sacrifice of praise to God continually, that is, the fruit of our lips giving thanks to his name. But to do good and to communicate forget not: for with such sacrifices God is well pleased.” Hebrews 13:15-16
We thank our God for the opportunity to continue forward and be
able to share with you his multiple blessings showered upon us this
month. God has been faithful.
Fulfilling his promises by not only supplying for every need for his work but also in our lives.
Showing his power by touching the hearts of many brethren, to support in prayer and economically in the reconstruction of the church building which was damaged by the explosion of March 7th.
We celebrated the Holy Week and the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ, with services on Thursday, Friday and at six on Sunday morning, after the service we had breakfast and had time of fellowship with the brethren.
What we have noticed during this time, is that the people are still scared because of the explosion and since it was on a Sunday, they don’t want to attend church, they are very superstitious.
We continue with the normal church activities, combining them with the rebuilding activities of the church building, using the economic support we received, we continue forward.
The brethren continue to grow spiritually and they continue faithful in the weekly soul winning meetings, winning souls. We have had visitors during our Sunday services.
We ask you to pray for them, since the majority of them does not have a job and although that helps the rebuilding of the church to continue, because they spend their time there helping, it is also true that they have families and expenses to meet at home. There is a lot of need in this place and we try to help them as much as we can, in gratitude for what they do.
We have seen a great number of people of different ages, asking for help on the streets but we cannot help them all. Firstly, to those of the family of faith. We are grateful with each of you for the sacrifice you make by sending your financial support and supporting us in prayer in these difficult times, let us continue pleasing our God, by doing good and helping each other.
Thank you to every on of you for your generosity, in making possible the work of God to continue in this place which is in so much need of the Gospel. Let us together bring fruit of mouths that confess and praise his name.
Let us remain faithful our Lord is near and time is short, there are still many who need to know the good news of salvation.
God bless you.
Greetings and until next time.