Mike and Becky Patterson and The Bethesda Homes – May 2021 Prayer Letter
Dr. Mike and Mrs. Becky Patterson – MABMI President Emeritus and International Representative
Bethesda Children’s Homes – Tlapa, Mexico
May 4, 2021

Dear Friends:
The farm is paid for and your prayers and sacrifices were a vital part of this miracle. The title has been transferred to the Bethesda Homes. It is official Bethesda owns a farm. Pray that we will be wise stewards of this miraculous provision.
We’ve now begun phase II with five key building projects for the farm. All funds now received will be used for building these five buildings without debt. We will stop when finished or while awaiting funding but not before.
Becky and I were in Mexico for several weeks to sign the title work for Bethesda Mexicana, A.C. It was a historic event. I also had a near tragic wreck. I take Xarelto and should have bled out from a head injury that ripped an 8-inch u-shaped flap exposing the scull and severing several blood vessels. Moments after the crash a nurse (or angel) appeared at my side and held gauze tightly on my head for the one-hour trip to the hospital.
Our worn out 2003 vehicle was totaled. We purchased a low mileage 2018 Tahoe in Cuernavaca with a short-term loan and need to repay it by mid-June. Already $14,000 of the $35,000 has been received. This $21,000 need is our personal responsibility. Please pray.
Please accept this thank you letter as an epistle of praise. Praise for funding the farm, praise for extending my life, praise for the many souls that have been saved in the wake of all that has happened.
In His Love,
Mike Patterson
P.S. Some mention my “great faith.” Body slammed by Covid; I was scared witless to present the farm need. God has given the farm; I am again trembling as I ask your prayers for the buildings…and our Mexican vehicle. No, the key is not my puny faith, but that it is vested in an omnipotent and awesome God. Praise Him with me