Mike and Becky Patterson and The Bethesda Homes – Urgent Prayer & Appeal Letter
Dr. Mike and Mrs. Becky Patterson – MABMI President Emeritus and International Representative
Bethesda Children’s Homes – Tlapa, Mexico
Urgent Prayer & Appeal Letter

Dearest Friends, this is an urgent and special appeal. I ask you for prayer with our need to replace our car.
As you can see from the images at the bottom, I was involved in a vehicle accident. I am on the blood thinner, Xarelto, so I am weak from bleeding so much. Before the dust even settled, a nurse showed up out of nowhere and began applying pressure and did so all the way to the hospital, which took an hour.
When they got me in a room, she said to the hospital staff “I got him here alive, he’s now your responsibility”. She washed her bloody hands and arms and quietly left. She may have been an angel. SHE PROBABLY SAVED MY LIFE, and I do not even know her name. Would you thank the Lord for her, on my behalf? The doctor stitched for several hours and amazingly I never lost consciousness.
I’m banged up but am OK, I am regaining strength, and will heal. I was able to share the Gospel with my captive audience and both were gloriously saved!
Our car was totaled, and it will take 3-6 months to get a check from the insurance company, which will not be much from an 18-year-old worn out Tahoe. When we bought the vehicle 18 years ago, Campus Church at PCC sent a matching funds check for $10,000 and our friends responded. We paid cash for the car that has served us so faithfully for so long.
So now we need to pray for a replacement. Though this newer Tahoe vehicle will exclusively be used for our work with the homes, we will pay for it personally. We have a major building project underway and must not use ministry funds. Our office director, and our lawyer have found a 2018 Tahoe they think will be perfect! It is in Cuernavaca, so Marcos will drive us back when the doctor says I can travel. Our Mexican missionaries in Israel already sent in the first $200…and they are as poor as Job’s turkey.
God already has this solved. He is awesome and our Provider!
In His Love,
Mike and Becky Patterson