John and Dorcas Abedu-Kennedy – June 2021 Prayer Letter
John and Dorcas Abedu-Kennedy – Church Planter in Apam, Ghana, New Life Baptist Church
June 2021,

Our Dearest Partners in Ministry, Calvary greetings!
Even though migration from rural to urban areas reduces our Church membership and attendance, as well as COVID-19 restrictions, we are focused and the Lord keeps adding to our Church plants daily as should be. We are grateful.
As mentioned in our last ministry update, about three months’ vacation package our our children and in-laws arranged for us during our “Three-to-one” celebration in collaboration with our church plants, we left Ghana on the 24th of May to the states (Atlanta GA). What a joy to see the face of our 20 month old newest granddaughter Abrielle-Joy and her parents Joshua and Andrea. Abrielle-Joy has a habit of shying away from anyone she saw for the first time. She was just quiet in the car from the Airport to the house. When we got home, like magnetic. We are enjoying her “papa..😄😁” 🙏Please be in prayer with us that we may be a blessing to them as they were to us.
On Monday, May 24th, Charlene and her mother, Patience, were called upon to go to collect their approved and issued USA visas. To enable them meet the appointment date of June 3rd, they prayerfully started putting things together, since the Lord has made the travelling provisions and some initial needs available. They should be flying by Delta Airlines coming Sunday, May 30th to JFK Airport in NYC, and then to MIAMI, where the UHealth International, (University of Miami Health System) is located.
We thank the Almighty God for HIS servant man whom a brother from Gulf Coast Baptist church in FL, introduced to me, who is the Pastor of Miami Beach Baptist Church whom we have never met before, but for Christ’s sake played a major part in the visa acquisition and willing to host, providing the necessary local logistics for our children while they are in Miami. “What a Christlike spirit and love that binds Christians together.”
- God’s guidance for smooth flights since it’s their first time in the States.
- That the Lord may lead them to the appropriate surgeons to work through them.
- That God may provide for all the necessary medical bills and medications.
- That our granddaughter may go back home to Africa with confidence to continue her education.
🙏We all know that our God who has brought us this far will continue doing to the finishing. ☝We are going by faith. If the Lord can use you to help save our granddaughter’s eye problem, you may send your donation marked Charlene to our Mission agency office in Texas as addressed below.
Thanks in anticipation. Thanks for your prayer and material support, may God richly bless you all, and more later.
In His Service,
John Abedu-Kennedy