Manuel and Reina Diaz : July 2023 Prayer Letter
Manuel and Reina Diaz – Church Planter in Equatorial Guinea, Africa

“From henceforth let no man trouble me: for I bear in my body the marks of the Lord Jesus.” Galatians 6:17
With great joy, praise, and gratefulness to our God for allowing us to continue forward, He has kept us from diseases as malaria and typhoid, we keep trusting in the provision and care of our Lord.
This month we finished a term of teaching at the Bible Institute, the brethren received recognition for their participation. The weekly activities of the Church continue forward, although most of the youth, children and some adults have traveled to their villages for vacations, we have had good attendance and visitors every Sunday.
God has been working with the brethren who have remained in their spiritual growth, they are actively participating in the soul winning meetings, as well as in the normal services.
We ask you to keep praying for the work in this place, especially for the brethren of the church and the children of the school, so that they can continue forward, strengthened with the Word of God, that everything that was taught to them had been understood and that they can practice it in their villages.
We are making the most of the fact that we are in summer, we have made repairs in the Church and at the school, although we also are in the harshest drought that hits the country every year, the wells dry up and people suffer from lack of water.
We pray for each one of you, may God continue keeping you and providing you, we appreciate your faithfulness in being part of the work in this part of Africa, despite the difficult times we are living, you strive to fulfill your missionary promises just like us, we try to manage as best as possible.
A part of the fence wall was weakened by the explosion of 2021 and with the rain it fell, creating a large hole and we are rebuilding it, we are also taking the opportunity to build a dining room for the church and the school. The expenses are many, but we trust that God will continue to supply everything that we need according to His promises.
We thank our God who continues to give us strength every day, thanks to all of you for your prayers and financial support. Thank you for your faithful support to the children of the school, your effort is not in vain. Your effort and sacrifice allow us to continue here, sharing the Salvation of Christ and spreading the Gospel in this part of the World. Our God does not forget the works of love, you show towards His servants and His work.
God bless you.
Greetings and until next time.