Osbel Salazar : 2023 Annual Report (January 2024)
Osbel Salazar- Missionaries in the Yucatan Peninsula and Southern Mexico
Dear Pastor and Church, We rejoice to send you our report of all that God has done in the last year.
San Vincente Lachixio Baptist Church

By the grace of God the brethren we are training continue working, for the honor and glory of the Lord, with preaching, discipleship, working with children and evangelizing. Also our brothers from Oaxaca worked to put a tin roof to give the services and teachings.
They had a service on December 24 to reward the children who previously accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as their only and sufficient Savior and are faithful to the services. Thank God they had visitors.
We are pleased to mention that in the past months I was able to share the plan of salvation with Mr. Claudio who was a Catholic man from the village. And thank God, he accepted Jesus as his only and sufficient Savior and is taking discipleship classes. That is, he continues to attend church meetings and the brethren are following up with him.
I ask for your prayers because among the visitor there was one family from a village 45 minutes form San Vicente Lachixio and further on passed San Pedro el Alto, where there is no Baptist church. They asked what they were doing there (they did not understand how to worship Jesus Christ) and what were the requirements for their children to receive the teachings. To which our brothers replied that there were no requirements and that everyone can receive the teaching of the gospel.
Praise the Lord, they will continue to attend and the men agreed with that family to go to that town to pick them up. Sometimes they pick up the people asking to borrow a motorcycle or car. Thank God for the effort of each one of our brothers. Our plan for next year is to preach about marriage, to preach to the youth and to train the brethren to continue with these ministries.
Prayer requests:
1. Pray for saved people
2. Pray for church land
3. Prayer for a van to continue evangelizing in the other towns and to extend our reach by planting more churches.