Hector and Sandy Estrada: 2023 Annual Report ( January 2024)
Hector and Sandy Estrada – Missionaries in Brazil
” Not unto us, O Lord, not unto us, but unto thy name give glory, for thy mercy, and for thy truth’s sake.” Psalm 115:1
Dear brothers and fellow servants, Grace and peace.

It is a pleasure to greet you! We are the Estrada Family, missionaries in the country of Brazil. We want to thank you God for the opportunity to present our ministry and what He has graciously allowed us to see and be a part of during this year. Each special day is an opportunity to present the Gospel in a different way, but always the same Gospel, and this year we were able to take advantage of most of the dates to do it.
In the month of February, during Valentine’s Day, we were able to show the great love that God had for this lost world and gave his only begotten son out of LOVE for us sinners. And at the same time the great love that Christ had to give himself as propitiation for our sins. In the month of May we were able to honor some mothers who came to church at the invitation of their children; some of them were saved, others listened and the word was planted in their hearts.
With God’s help and His great provision, we were able to carry out Vacation Bible Schools. This year the theme was: ” The Armor of God” every day for four days of the week. At the end of each activity, the children were able to shop with their accumulative tickets in a small candy store. God granted us to see children saved and some continued to come to church. That weekend we had a special closing and some adult guests came. The teenagers continue to meet, it is a big struggle for them, as most of their friends question them for attending church, but thank God some continue to stand firm.
In October, here in Brazil, we celebrate Children’s Day and it is a very special date, since most of our church is make up of children and teenagers. As a family we were praying to be able to give a gift to the most faithful children in our church. Most of the time it is done in a general way, that is, even for the guests, but this time we wanted to do it differently. It was nice to see how brothers and sisters from our country decided to take part in it. We thank God first of all for his grace and provision.

In the month of December we always emphasize the birth of our Savior Jesus Christ. It is a sad to see that in the second most evangelized country in the world there are many people who do not know what is celebrated on this month. The Gospel has become just a party, it has become a business and many people live deceived.
In our church we were able to celebrate the birth of our savior Jesus Christ and at the end of the year we had a dinner. Everyone cooperated with something to eat, we preached the gospel and challenged the brethren to grow spiritually. This 29th we completed 7 years in Brazil, 4 in the State of Acre, Amazonas area and 3 in the state of Rio de Janeiro. God has taken care of us and His grace has always been present.
There is a lot of work and there is still a lot of land to possess here in Brazil. The door has been opened for us to support local pastors in the evangelistic area, but as a family we are limited in terms of transportation, both to go financially, so that we can purchase a vehicle. Our goal is 45 thousand Reais, or $9,200 Dollars. Public transportation is expensive for most people and our own transportation would make our work for the Lord much easier.