Mike Patterson: March 2013 Prayer Letter

Annual Foreign Field Conference

J. Frank Norris once said: “Every problem in the local church can be solved in the baptistry.” In Tlapa we baptize them two at a time.
Dear Ones:
Early tomorrow morning we leave for Lowdenville Baptist Temple in Ohio. Emotions always run high as we prepare for another meeting. What to preach, what to pack, and is my heart clean enough to have the fullness of His power made perfect again in my weakness? We will return to Mexico on April 1.
Our expenses of operating the office in Cuernavaca, our home and the Tlapa apartment continue even when we are traveling. I wired $6,000 to Mexico today for bill paying. Becky’s surgeries and my fall and CT Scans have run up another $6,000 in expense not covered by our insurance. I mention this so that you can join us in prayer.
This year has been wildly productive on every front. Daily reports bring the news of a great harvest through the outreach of Mount Abarim worldwide. God’s Spirit is at work. He deserves our praise.
Becky’s surgeries were successful. My back problems continue and now the sciatic nerve is giving pain down my right leg. I have been able to keep a full schedule, but I do need your prayers.
In His love,
Mike Patterson
PS: Victories in the Lord’s work often have a high price tag. The school teachers of Mexico are on strike and our children are affected.