Harold Gilmer: June 2015 Prayer Letter
Dear Brethren,
“So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it” (Isaiah 55:11).
The Lord has given us a wonderful Seed bearing fruit ministry, as illustrated in the parable of the sower, in Luke chapter eight. Through our Bible Ministry (the Sociedade Bíblica Trinitariana do Brasil – SBTB) and Igreja Batista Nova Vida (New Life Baptist Church), we see the Precious Seed be sown, germinate, grow, and bear fruit. Carlos´s testimony is a beautiful illustration of the complete ministry the Lord has given us.

Pastor Carlos and Neusa
It was on a trip to a poor part of Brazil to visit some relatives, that Carlos saw the need of the people, and desired somehow to serve them, perhaps as a priest. However, he realized that he did not know God. His uncle gave him a little New Testament, and he read it with keen interest, for he wanted to know the truth about God.
Back in his home city of São Paulo, Carlos tried enrolling in a seminary, but was denied enrolment, because he did belong to a Church. He visited a Baptist Church, and one of the members paid him a visit. It was on that visit that he accepted Christ as his personal Savior. Conveniently enough, that Church had a seminary that he was able to attend.

Pastor Carlos in his office at SBTB
Around that time, Carlos left a résumé at SBTB. Unknowingly, he had knocked on the door the very place that supplied the text of the New Testament that led to his salvation. Lílian was the one who attended him, and noticed that there was something special about him. He began working as an office boy, but soon his diligence made him the secretary, and today his is Harold´s assistant.

Pastor Carlos preaching at New Life
Carlos interned at New Life Baptist Church, and his servant spirit made his call to the pastoral ministry evident. It was also at New Life Baptist that he met his sweet wife, Neusa, the Church´s secretary. This past month, Carlos was ordained to the Gospel ministry. Truly, God´s Word does not return void!
Your servants in Brazil,
Harold, Lílian, Raphael and Danielle