Mike and Becky Patterson and The Bethesda Children’s Homes – March 2020 Prayer Letter
March 20, 2020

I have been amazed to see our country put on its knees by a virus that
has jumped oceans and effected the world. My prayer is that this will
turn all of our hearts to God for persona, church, national and global
revival. God certainly has all of our attention. Joy and John are in
NY, and both John and Zach have been exposed. No symptoms yet.
We had tickets to fly to Mexico on March 18 but the trip was
cancelled. Like most of you we are quarantined in our home. I’m in
daily contact with our staff in Mexico and no one has symptoms. We
bought a 90-day supply of imperishable goods for the children. Our
medical clinic will be available if needed for quarantine.
I will be 72 on April 6. My general health is better today than it has
been in years and my leg is slowly mending. I do use a cane to
protect from another fall. I am back preaching but with coronavirus
all of my meetings are cancelled or postponed. Several offerings have
come to help with our medical expenses. Thank you, Lord.
As missionaries we will suffer economic loss as churches have closed
their doors and many have lost their incomes. We are spending time
in prayer for all of our supporters knowing that this is a difficult time.
We are in this together. Pray for Abarim’s Stetson Planck family.
They serve in the most effected part of Italy.
In His Love
Mike Patterson
P.S. I begin my day with prayer, praise and God’s Word. To some
our future would seem bleak but God is in control. Though I may
agonize in prayer over all the needs, the God I serve has never failed
to care for us. Like you, we are looking for ways to help others. I’m
making daily phone calls to encourage hurting people. Pray that God
will give us wisdom and strength for serving in these difficult days.