Mike and Becky Patterson and The Bethesda Homes – July 2020 Prayer Letter
Dr. Mike and Mrs. Becky Patterson – MABMI President Emeritus and International Representative
Bethesda Children’s Homes – Tlapa, Mexico
Read this letter in PDF file HERE
July 13, 2020

Dear Ones:
It looks like we will begin the schoolyear in Tlapa in August. All of our staff are working had in preparation for the new year. The school curriculum is now on its way to Tlapa. That was a step of faith and the $4200 is on my card.
We have installed reverse osmosis systems for the water in both homes. The water is so contaminated that this final step in the purification was the final solution. We had already installed a very sophisticated filtration system.
We are in the process of putting closets in all of the dorm rooms. We have also remodeled the kitchens in both homes with several pieces of new equipment and stainless-steel serving buffets. Both homes have been repainted as well as needed plumbing and electrical work
A very sophisticated system is being required for the Covid19 protection. It involves a sanitation chamber and temperature check for everyone entering the homes. It is a $12,000 investment but was necessary to reopen the homes. We need prayers for this provision.
Through live stream I’ve had the joy of preaching to the largest groups in the history of our ministry. God is at work in all of this. I’m praying for revival. Becky and I have stayed free from the Covid virus. Our son Bill and family have all had it but have recovered completely. We covet your prayer for wisdom and faith equal to our task. We so deeply appreciate all of you helping make this possible.
In His Love
Mike Patterson