Mike and Becky Patterson and The Bethesda Homes – June 2021 Prayer Letter
Dr. Mike and Mrs. Becky Patterson – MABMI President Emeritus and International Representative
Bethesda Children’s Homes – Tlapa, Mexico

June 2, 2021
Dear Ones:
Tomorrow we will be traveling to Mexico for most of the month of June. I will be speaking at the graduation for the Bethesda Christian School. We have 22 graduating. Becky and I are giving a new Bible to each graduate with their name imprinted on it.
As you know, the farm is paid for. Your prayers and sacrifices were a vital part of this miracle. We are now waiting on paperwork that will allow city officials to grant building permits.
We are now in phase II with five key building projects for the farm. The master plans are complete. All funds now received will be used for building these five buildings without debt.
God worked a miracle to spare my life. Our well-worn vehicle was totaled and we purchased a low mileage 2018 Tahoe in Cuernavaca. All but about $6000 has been received or promised to pay off the temporary loan. We praise God for your prayers and sacrifices.
Each of my letters is written as an epistle of praise. This morning I spent time in praise for funding the farm, praise for providing much of the need for our vehicle, praise for opportunities to preach last week in Alaska where six offered their lives for the Lord’s service, and praise for the many souls saved through what Satan meant to be a tragedy. Our awesome God has snatched victory from satanic jaws of destruction and defeat. Praise Him with me!
In His Love,
Mike Patterson
P.S. It is amazing to see God putting together His talented team to complete the dream of the farm. I recently met a retired Christian engineer with experience in building large projects all over Alaska and he has offered to help with the buildings. Another three acres of irrigated riverfront land is available adjoining our farm. I ask only that you join me in praying. If it is His will, He will provide.