Becky Patterson and the Bethesda Homes -August 2023 Newsletter
Mrs. Becky Patterson – Missionary to Mexico
Bethesda Children’s Homes – Tlapa, Mexico
Dear Pastor and Friends,

Summer this year in Tlapa has been filled with activity! Remodeling of four bathrooms , a shower room, two guest rooms, placing new sewer lines, giving all the walls a fresh coat of paint, and repairing and painting the bunk beds has kept the workers very busy. Please help up pray for more workers to get everything finished before the children arrive. Please help pray for additional funds to cover all the expenses.
At the farm, the construction of the open-air auditorium, restrooms, and kitchen are nearing completion. We have encountered another problem there! Our well had gone dry! Please help up pray to know whether another, deeper well should be dug or what needs to be done. Thank you! Brother Manuel Cervantes, who is in charge of the cultivation of the farm tells me they have had an abundant bean harvest this year. The children love beans, so they will be very happy! The lord has also blessed with a good corn harvest. Those are two staples in the Mexican diet, beans and corn! God is good!
God has answerd prayer regarding additional staff! We have three ne teachers joining us. One is a pastor’s son from southeren Mexico. The other two are young ladies from Peru who recently graduated from Brother Luis Ramos’ Bible school in San Luis, Potosi. One of these young ladies is also a nurse. God always hear our prayer. but He knows best when and how to fulfill our requests. May we always trust Him! He is more than worthy!
Thank you for your prayers for Ulises Guzman, the young preacher with cancer. His is receiving chemo and having a very difficult time with it. Ulises’ Dad grew up in the children’s home and he was one of my brother Lyle McCoy’s faithful preachers among the Tlapaneco tribe in the mountains. He continues to be a faithful preacher, pastoring several churches and missions. Ulises had recently graduated from Bible school and was just beginning to help his Dad. Please continue praying for Ulises. God hears our prayers!
Thank you, also, for your continued prayer for me. I want to serve the Lord faithfully to my last breath. It is a privilege to be involved in the ministry, and I love the ministry where God has placed me. He is a wonderful God!
For Christ’s Little Ones,
Becky Patterson
P.S. My Day, Dr. Ralph McCoy always referred to the children in Tlapa as “Christ’s little one.” He strongly believed Proverbs 22:6. He wanted to start a new generation for the Lord with these children. We have seen that happen!