Charles Barnes: September/October 2014 Prayer Letter
Dear Praying Friends,
This year has held many surprises for us. First, when I returned to Maine, I had to meet with my Neurologist concerning my sporadic seizures. The sad news was “no driving” for three months! What a challenge to a church planter. I praise the Lord for my wife, as she did all the driving until September. By God’s grace, we were still able to re-open a church (Seal Cove Baptist Church) that was closed for fifteen years!
Second, one of my “tent-making” skills is that of a logger. While starting back at this line of work in October, I had the misfortune of a tree falling back on me and fracturing my left leg. Again, God’s grace was evident by helping me crawl out of the woods and then driving 45 minutes to the hospital. The recovery period is estimated to be two months on crutches and then several more months before complete weight-bearing and range of motion is back. All I can think of are the many dear saints who have greater life issues than this, and like them, I am simply trusting God and moving on…“slowly,” of course.

Bro. Barnes Preaching at Seal Cove
The church at Seal Cove has a small steady attendance with first-time visitors coming almost every week. There is a warm spirit there and the groundwork is being put in place for genuine growth in the coming months. We are praying for the right man God has for this work once He sends us to another needy area in this unchurched State of Maine.
Thank you for your continued prayers and support. Without you, my family and I would not be able to see closed churches opened again.
Planting for Christ,
C. Barnes Sr. Chuck Barnes, Sr., Barbie and Kimberly
* We were able to purchase a small fifth wheel trailer due to the help of a church in Texas.
* Opening of Seal Cove Baptist Church.
*Quick healing of my leg
* Appointment in Boston concerning health issues
* Genuine salvations and growth at Seal Cove