Josefina McCoy: May 2020 Prayer Letter
Josefina McCoy Missionaries to the Indigenous Tribes of Mexico
Dear Pastors, Churches, and Brethren in Christ,
By God’s grace, we are still here on earth, giving honor and glory to God! We are grateful for His mercies which are manifested in many ways in our lives. We thank the Lord for each one of you, for your lives, ministries, and love toward us. Your prayers strengthen and encourage us, and your financial support enables us to go forward with the calling God has given our family. Lyle finished his race, and we are doing all we can to continue helping and serving the local pastors among the Mixtec, Tlapanec and Amuzgo people. God is marvelous to send more than twelve pastors that are serving Him with all their hearts.

Pastor Josias Mosso was married to Raquel in Tepeyac on February 12. On June 12, Pastor Alejandro Cervantes will be marrying Aracely Nepomuceno in Tepeyac. In spite of all that is going on, God has been faithful to help us to reach as many lives as possible. The message continues to be preached.
We thank you very much, with all our heart we give thanks to God for each of you. In our home, we are celebrating. Our Abdiel is finishing High School. We are so happy to see all that God will do with Abdiel’s life. God is good! David is entering the tenth grade, and Josiah is going into the seventh grade.
Thank you for praying for us. We pray that God would recompense you abundantly. We love you in the Lord. Only God knows what is going on here on earth with all that we see and hear. Please pray that when we speak to others, it will be with the love of God. The time is getting closer for us to present ourselves before the Judgment Seat of Christ, the One who loved us enough to die for us on the cross. Once again, thank you for upholding us in your prayers and financial support.
With love in Christ,
Josefina, Abdiel, David, and Josiah McCoy