Tom and Linda Gilmer : March 2021 Prayer Letter

Dr. Thomas and Mrs. Linda Gilmer – Church Planter, Bible Translation in São Paulo, Brazil

March 2021

Dear Friends of Zion:

Linda and I rejoice at what the Lord is doing because of your faithful prayers and offerings.

A SPECIAL PRAYER REQUEST:  Two titanium rods, placed in my back surgically four years ago, have broken.  The worst, most apparent problem is that I cannot lie down in bed. I sleep sitting up in a recliner. All four doctors involved in my case are amazed that, if I am careful to avoid twisting or lifting, I am able to live and work normally without pain. That includes walking, sitting, writing, driving, going to church, witnessing, or performing other basic life functions. They agree that surgery is selective, not an emergency, but advisable.  Many tests must be done and time allowed to build up my immune system and bones, due to osteoporosis. Also, we are in lockdown again here in Brazil because of the Covid 19 Pandemic, and we were informed that our insurance will probably not even consider surgery for six months or more.

This problem has opened doors of witness that otherwise would be closed. Two doctors and a physical therapist have called on the LORD for salvation so far in these days. Praise the LORD!!! And I am involved as an editorial consultant for five major books needed for Portuguese Bible institutes, seminaries, and pastors’ libraries. 

More supporters are needed now to complete the support for missionary Harold Ralph in order to free up work funds for publication and to guarantee continuity of the work, should anything happen to me.

Thanks for all your help to make our work possible.  May God richly bless you all.

Yours for the Messiah,
Tom and Linda Gilmer


  1. Professions of faith: 4.
  2. See the updates in Harold Ralph and Lilian’s prayer letter.
  3. Progress on the Bible website and social media with work donated by the owner of a software firm.
  4. We took Covid 19 vaccines, praise the LORD!


  1. Salvation decisions: Jews and Gentiles.
  2. Projects (Bible study helps: media and printed; larger Bible warehouse; Tetum Bible translation).
  3. Full support for Harold Ralph Gilmer.
  4. Linda – cataract surgery on hold for now.
  5. Tom – continue pain-free and working effectively despite two broken titanium rods in his back.

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