Tom and Linda Gilmer : September 2021 Prayer Letter
Dr. Thomas and Mrs. Linda Gilmer – Church Planter, Bible Translation in São Paulo, Brazil
September 2021
Dear Friends of Zion:
Linda and I pray for the LORD to bless you as you have blessed our ministries with your prayers and offerings.

From the beginning of my missionary work, planning ahead has been a way of life for me and still is. “What would happen to the work if I were to suddenly become disabled or die?” The Apostle Paul also worked in this way. This has motivated me to always have someone in training for every project or ministry. We are beginning our 56th year in Brazil and my 80th year on Planet Earth, still working with no plans for retirement except to promise to retire when we are unable to work effectively any longer. Thanks again for all who help make our ministries possible.
One of my Timothies was a young man in Rio de Janeiro with whom I communicated by way of telephone and emails. A dear lady of German background, who was involved in translating articles concerning Bible preservation, introduced us. Fast forward…he is now an IT expert in the USA. Outside his employment hours, he developed an IOS (Apple) English Bible App and now an Android Bible App called “Kairós,” a red icon showing a crown on a Bible. The App has many add-ons and also the ACF Portuguese text of the Bible. Please use it.
We also needed a good App in Portuguese on the Apple or IOS Portuguese platform. One of our directors of SBTB (Trinitarian Bible Society of Brazil), Pastor Walter Campelo, developed a very simple, easy-to-use Android App with the Portuguese ACF Bible text and the KJV with a very easy-to-use Exhaustive Concordance, identified by a blue icon with SBTB on an open Bible. He has now completed an IOS (Apple) App for the Portuguese platform. This a part of an area of our ministries covered by the number two prayer request below. As the LORD blesses our work funds, the many projects go forward. Most are going slowly or are on hold, awaiting sufficient funds to go forward.
I visited Thiago, the atheist bookstore owner mentioned last month. He was very cordial and showed some interest in the Gospel, promising to read the tracts I left with him and to attend a service in our main church. By the way, he said he inherited the Christian bookstore and decided to make it his life’s work. May God open his eyes and save his soul!
May God richly bless you all.
Yours for the Messiah,
Tom and Linda Gilmer
- Professions of faith: (7)
- New family of Jewish origin at Jacui congregation.
- Guacuri congregation has two teachers trained for the Alphabetization Course and a classroom adapted for that purpose. More details in Harold Ralph and Lílian’s prayer letter.
- Work almost completed for IOS Bible App on the Portuguese platform.
- Salvation decisions: Jews and Gentiles.
- Projects (Bible study helps, both media and printed, larger warehouse for Bibles).
- Full support for Harold Ralph Gilmer.
- Pastor Walter Campelo needs prayer for final details of the IOS App on the Portuguese platform of Apple.
- Progress on Exhaustive Concordance w/ Dictionary. Read about it in Harold Ralph and Lílian’s prayer letter