Mike Patterson: December 2016 Prayer Letter
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Dear Ones:
Thank you so much for your prayers and faithful support. As we near the end of 2016 and face the exciting prospects of 2017, we are especially thankful to you our rope holders. You are the best!

Plans for the apartment for the Aviles family.
Phase one of a two stage building project is now under roof!
The apartment for the directors at the Boy’s Home should be complete by March. Funding for this project came through the generosity of the Campus Church of Pensacola Christian College.
The second phase will be a 4000-sq. ft. building for the ever-growing Christian School. Both the builder and architect are donating their services. With the strong dollar, we can build for $15.00 per sq. ft. As God provides, the school facility will be built without debt. We plan to begin this building in March. (About $60,000 will be needed.)
For three months, I have battled a tropical intestinal infection. While in Mexico in early December the labs finally identified citrobacter freundii as the culprit and I am on special antibiotics. Hopefully this chapter will soon close. They will be doing endoscopy and colonoscopy tests to rule out cancer December 23. Pray for good reports from these tests and that my strength will soon return.
In His love,
Mike Patterson

At the Christmas Drama-Cantata and preaching service about 60 were Saved.
P.S. We were in Mexico December 7-14 and were able to join the children for their Christmas celebration. 60 or more were saved over the weekend and the kids enjoyed their most special Christmas ever thanks to special gifts from Bible Baptist Church of Chickasha, Boulevard Baptist of Burleson, and a dear couple from our home church in Fort Worth, Texas.
Please join us…
51st Annual International Conference
January 15-19, 2017 Fort Worth, Texas